Sunday, March 22, 2020

How to Become a Successful Online Learner

How to Become a Successful Online Learner There is no magical formula in particular that works to guarantee your success in online tutoring. Online tutoring offer flexible and convenient tutoring, however, the student is responsible to develop methodology to get maximum from online tutoring that helps to meet their learning goals. Develop Time Management Skills:     The flexibility to take lessons at a convenient time is one of the greatest benefits of online tutoring. However, it is the drawback for students who are unable to give time to learn their lessons. The students should learn and develop time management taking initiatives to ask for a tutoring session instead of waiting for reminders from the tutor. Prepare and maintain “To Do” list regularly. Review the completed and pending task in your To Do list. Review syllabus of each subject and develop a monthly schedule to complete the lessons in each of the subjects. Effective Communication Skills: Effective and appropriate communication skills are very important in tutoring online. The student has to communicate their difficulties and queries through chat as online tutor is unable to see the confusion on a student’s face. Online tutors are well-versed with communication tools like email, chat room, discussion groups, cell phones and text messaging, so communicate through these tools. Online tutors are qualified and expert professionals. Do not communicate informally saying your difficulties with frustration and anger but use appropriate style and language. Write full, grammatically correct sentences with a respectful tone. Persistence:       Persistence is the biggest key to succeed online tutoring. The student succeeds who are tolerant to technical limitations, seek help when needed, work daily in class and persist through challenges. The student requires being mature enough to remain self-motivated and responsible. Hard work and accomplishing your tutoring is the only way to succeed tutoring online. Learn Basic Technical Skills: The student learning online should have basic technical knowledge to work with computers, surfing internet, download software’s. The student should learn to work with word processing documents, spreadsheet, use PowerPoint presentations etc. Typically, online tutoring offer on the whiteboard with live chat. However, the student should check out software and tools that they would require before they engage with any online tutoring website. Prepare Questions useful to your Learning: Asking appropriate question is one of the best ways to seek your answers. Online tutoring offer threaded discussions, email connectivity, chat rooms and forums for student to seek answers to your questions. Spend some time crafting your questions that may go beyond what you are going to learn in regular tutoring sessions.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Dividing polynomials Tutors

Online Dividing polynomials Tutors Dividing polynomials helps in understanding division of polynomial expressions. A polynomial consists of several terms that are consists of variables constants and exponents. Dividing polynomials is a complicated than monomial division, we need to use different method for simplification. We can use long division method works same as long numerical division. Long division can be done according to the steps given below. Arrange the terms of the divisor and dividend in descending order of their degrees.The first term of the quotient is obtained from dividing the first term of dividend by divisor.Multiply the quotient by all the terms of the divisor.Subtract the obtained result from the dividend.Repeat the process till we get zero as a remainder or a polynomial with degree less that the divisor. The following examples helps to understand the steps involved in dividing monomials. Example 1: Divide 2x^2+4+5x by (x+2) Solution: We have 2x^2+2+5x Arrange the terms of the divisor and dividend in descending order of their degrees. So we get 2x^2+5x+2 Now divide as we do in long division numerical method. Example 2: Divide 9x 6x^2+x^3-2 by (x-2) Solution: First arrange the terms of the divisor and dividend in descending order of their degrees. by arranging we get x^3 6x^2 + 9x -2

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What are Geometric Shapes

What are Geometric Shapes A geometric shape is formed by joining various line segments together and the study of these geometric shapes comes under the section of Geometry in Mathematics. When a geometric shape is formed, it consists of different measurements such as the side length, angle measure, area, perimeter etc. These measurements are very helpful in analyzing the given geometric structure accordingly. There are 2-dimensional geometric shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle etc. and 3-dimensional shapes such as cube, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, prism etc. Example 1: Calculate the area of a triangle which has base side of length 6 cm and height of 9 cm? Triangle is a geometric shape which has 3 sides. The area of the triangle is = 1/2 *(base)* (height) Given: Base length of the triangle, b = 6cm Height of the triangle, h = 9cm This gives, Area of the triangle, A = 1 /2 * 6 cm * 9 cm = 27 cm2. Therefore, area of the given triangle is 27 cm2 Example 2: Calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle with dimensions 4m and 3m? Rectangle is geometric shape with 4 sides. The given rectangle has dimensions 4m and 3m respectively. Given: Length, l = 4m; Width, w = 3m. Area of rectangle = length * width The area of rectangle is = 4m * 3m = 12m2. The perimeter of the rectangle = 2(length + width) The perimeter of the rectangle = 2(4 + 3) = 2 * 7 = 14m. Hence, area = 12m2 and perimeter = 14m.

How to Learn Italian at Home Between Classes

How to Learn Italian at Home Between Classes Best Way to Learn Italian at Home Inbetween Lessons ChaptersWatch Italian Films with Original Soundtrack OnReading in ItalianImmerse Yourself in the Culture!Work Your Language Skills RegularlyWhat Else Are You Learning it For?According to Omniglot, we Britons have been enjoying a centuries-long love affair with the land shaped like a boot.And for good reason, too!Every music lover â€" and that includes us, is familiar with terms such as: andante, allegro, libretto and soprano.Food, fashion, arts and culture: all reasons why we love Italy.The next logical step would then be to learn the language of Dante, wouldn't it?Learning Italian would not only benefit you personally â€" you could finally talk with people while on holiday in Tuscany, but professionally as well.Studies show that job seekers who can speak more than one language are more likely to be hired, and bilingual employees receive, on average, a salary 5% higher than their counterparts who only speak English.Learning Italian with an in-home personal tutor is arguably the best way to progress rapidly in your language studies, but then again: wouldn't your drive to study Italian lead you to engage in self-study?To delve into materials your teacher has not yet covered? Find new and diverse ways to exercise your passion for the romantic?We mean the language, not burning physical ardour, of course.In this article, Superprof has arranged all manner of fun and engaging ways for you to develop your Italian language skills on your own, between visits from your Maestro.Read on to find out how you can become bilingual, faster.  Dai! Andiamo!Watching movies with the original Italian soundtrack will expose you to native speakers' dialogue Source: Pixabay Credit: Avi_acltime when books were hard to come by and the majority of the population could not read.Today, thanks to technology and modern education, reading is actually a pleasurable pastime and materials are abundant.Even better: you can read beloved classics such as The Little Prince in a multitude of languages, including Sardinian and Vogherese!It being important to enjoy what you're reading, you might consider picking up a copy of this most translated book, either wholly in Italian or as a bilingual edition.Reading translations of your favourite books is your gateway to Italian culture Source: Pixabay Credit: NinocareItalian association, not too far from where you live!Or, you could meet up with a group of new friends from class, to form an alliance all your own.Other ways to immerse yourself into the fabled Italian lifestyle while still at home in the UK would be:Enjoy a foreign film festival â€" you may discover a screen gem!For a more upscale experience, how about Italian opera?Take a cooking class: plenty of schools and restaurants around the UK sponsor courses that teach anything from pasta-making to the legendary Tuscan cuisineMake use of the Internet to listen to Italian radio broadcastsyou can listen to anything from talk radio or that particularly soulful music Italian balladeer s are so famous forIn short: you have endless possibilities to brush up against spoken Italian and Italian culture. All you have to do is reach out!And then, you can impress your teacher with your new words and phrases, at your next lesson!There are many ways for you to exercise your new language skills Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltWork Your Language Skills RegularlyA 2016 article in The Guardian revealed that the average brain can only absorb five to seven pieces of information at once.Repetition, spaced out over regular intervals, trains our brain to learn better.Austrian psychologist Sebastian Leitner  advocated more frequent revision of less familiar material throughout the entire lesson.You too can adopt this method for greater retention of Italian vocabulary.All you need is a set of blank cards to write new words on. You can then categorise them by:dipthongsvowel elisionpronounsprepositionsverb tensesphrase constructionsFollowing the Leitner learning method, you would file yo ur cards in order of: unknown, somewhat familiar with, known, and well-known.Your review of the 'unknown' pile would be three times greater than the known pile.You would review the known cards just to keep them current in your knowledge base.Follow an Italian course online.This spaced repetition methodology permits quicker absorption and better retention of material because you are using the familiar to learn the unfamiliar.This learning style also promotes a regular rhythm of work that helps condition your brain to assimilate language knowledge faster.What Else Are You Learning it For?Your Italian teacher will be the first to tell you: between classes, use your language skills every chance you get.We second that motion!There are several ways to go about doing that without talking to yourself.Make use of your Smartphone recorder app to speak Italian or read passages out loud.You can then play the recordings back to verify tone and quality of speech.While you have your phone in hand, find native Italian speakers to chat withSeveral apps exist for the sole purpose of connecting language learners with native speakersArrange outings with other students in your language classespreferably, to activities relevant to your studiesPlan a trip to ItalyYou may have to wait until your next holiday off work, but in reality, with airfares currently so low, traveling to Italy for a weekend getaway might not be too much of a stretch.Once there, feel free to demonstrate your proficiency in conversational Italian.Of course, you are likely to run into friendly souls who would do their best to accommodate you by speaking English, but please: insist that they speak their native language.Not only will it boost your confidence to to be able to converse with a native speaker, but it will help sharpen your listening skills.In short: take any chance, no matter where or how, to practise speaking Italian.Of course, you'll make mistakes; we all do.How can you learn without making mistakes? I never lose. I either win or I learn. - Nelson MandelaAll seriousness of learning aside: with a bit of passion and a dash of imagination; with your bounce of élan â€" as you learn to speak Italian, you too will surely find that this is indeed a fun language. From fiery expressions to sexy-sounding adjectives, the language spoken by more than seventy million people worldwide is in fact relatively easy to learn.Even though our Inglese is in fact Germanic, a substantial portion of our vocabulary does come from Latin, and romance languages have influenced our speech.So, as you go about your Italian lessons,  as you spout Italian conversation and eat pasta, you may say grazie mille to the art of language blending, which has given us so many wonderful words. Learn how to prepare for your Italian lessons.Molto bene!

Trapezoid Area Formula Tutors

Trapezoid Area Formula Tutors A trapezoid is a geometric figure which has 4 sides and their 4 respective angles. In a trapezoid, there is one pair of parallel sides and one pair of non-parallel sides. A trapezoid is also known as trapezium in certain countries. The area of a trapezoid can be calculated by first finding the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides and then multiplying this by half the height of the trapezoid. Using this formula, the area of any trapezoid can be easily calculated. Example 1: Find the area of the trapezoid which has parallel sides of length 3m, 5m, and height 7m Given: length of the parallel sides = a and b Height of trapezoid = h The Area of the trapezoid is = 1/2 *(a + b)* h. The value of a = 3m, b = 5m, h = 7m This makes the solution = 1/2 * (8m) * 7m = 28m2 Therefore, area of the given trapezoid is 28m2 Example 2: Find the area of the trapezoid which has parallel sides of length 6m, 9m, and height 12m. Given: length of the parallel sides = a and b Height of trapezoid = h The Area of the trapezoid is = 1/2 *(a + b)* h. The value of a = 6m, b = 9m, h = 12m This makes the solution = 1/2 * (15m) * 12m = 90m2 Therefore, area of the given trapezoid is 90m2

Not Sure How to Craft Your Personal Brand Take a Look at These 3 Examples - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Not Sure How to Craft Your Personal Brand Take a Look at These 3 Examples - Introvert Whisperer Not Sure How to Craft Your Personal Brand? Take a Look at These 3 Examples Personal branding can be a real stumper for many people. It’s hard to look at yourself objectively, especially when it’s to think about your assets. With personal branding, you’re not only thinking about your assets; you’re thinking about what you want to be known for. I believe a great way to help understand something is to define it by giving good, supportive examples. But before we launch into the examples, let’s recap the definition of personal branding. Personal branding is essentially what you are known for and what people seek you out for. If you’re the “go-to” person for graphic design, your personal brand is all about graphic design, even if that’s not your job. I once knew a finance analyst who, in his own words, was an “Excel God,” He knew Excel (software) at a depth no one else did. He knew it so well, it was almost his position in his organization,. He not only was the “go-to” person; he was a critical asset to that group because of it. You can add to that definition what you want to be known for, because your personal brand is also about aligning the image people have of you to where you are headed. You don’t become president without helping people see you (and your personal brand) in that role. (Click here to tweet this thought.) Now, let’s look at some professionals, their personal brand and what makes them stand out. Profile #1: Marketing Person With 30+ Years in a Variety of Industries and Company Sizes Personal brand concepts: “No-limits marketing”; leverages an innovative nature; traditional marketing and online social marketing; no limits to creative marketing solutions. “Practiced hand” that creates solutions by adjusting the solutions to each company’s mission, product, strategy and industry. Why this person stands out: Many people get nervous about crossing over to other industries, but this person puts it out there as an asset. They’re clear about the range of marketing they can deliver and why they can effectively adjust to each company. Profile #2: Career Coach, Author and Speaker Personal brand concepts: Internationally renowned; recognized for advancing the needs of job seekers and enhancing training strategies for career coaches; recognized as the first “motivational” career coach in the US. Works with job seekers, career coaches and job coaches worldwide. Why this person stands out: The concepts almost jump off of the page with energy. No wonder this person is a top-rated motivational career coach, because they help you understand what they are known for: to get you excited! Profile #3: Event Planner, Program Coordinator, Project Manager Personal brand concepts: Master organizer with an eye for detail; meticulously creates and executes special events. “You name it, and I will plan it with confidence and enthusiasm.” Why this person stands out: This works because you truly understand this person is organized, detailed-oriented and bubbly, all at the same time. You really get the idea that you would enjoy working with this person while they’re pulling together your event. If you’re unclear about your personal brand, just pay attention to what your coworkers seek you out for. That’s a good place to start. To further develop your understanding, study these examples, even if none of them are exactly what you do. Hopefully, they will help prompt you to “get it” about your brand so you can communicate it clearly to others. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.   I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.   In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression.   Get your copy now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. What would you like to know about determining your personal brand? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Exams Food for Thought

Exams Food for Thought With exams on the way and deadlines season in full swing, it can be easy to slip into unhealthy snacking habits. Research has shown that by encompassing these brain foods within your diet, you can really enhance your learning and brain power to get the most out of your studying, as well as boost your performance in exams. Here are some of our favourites: Walnuts If you want to improve your memory and boost your thinking power, walnuts are a good snack to start with. They have the highest level of omega-3 fatty acids in all nuts and protect the brain, enhancing the functioning of neurotransmitters, and consequently improving memory and cognitive skills. Blueberries During revision, to give your brain a boost have a snack on half a cup of blueberries. Blueberries are great for keeping your memory sharp, perfect for revision and going into exams. Flavonoids, antioxidant compounds in blueberries, play a key role in improving memory, learning and cognitive functions by interacting directly with aging neurons. Dark Chocolate We all need a treat sometimes, and having something to work for, makes revision much more productive. Why not swap those unhealthy treats and snacks for dark chocolate? It still tastes good, but has lots of health benefits also. The antioxidants in dark chocolate are beneficial for your whole body, as well as your brain. Green Tea Fancy a cuppa whilst your revising? Why not opt for green tea instead? Studies have shown that green tea extract increases the brain’s electrical connectivity which enhancing cognitive functions. Drinking two or three cups a day will really boost your brain power and engage you in your revision. Tomatoes Tomatoes can be used in a wide range of meals as well as a snack on their own. This fruit is packed with nutrition and an antioxidant named lycopene that protects the brain from toxins, enhancing memory and concentration. For more articles on good brian foods, why not visit the links below:

English Expressions Connected with Theatre - Learn English with Harry ????

English Expressions Connected with Theatre - Learn English with Harry ???? A trip (visit) to the theatre or cinema is always a welcome event. A visit to the theatre is a less  common than a trip to the cinema for most of us. Here are some English words and expressions  connected with a night at the theatre.We usually plan a visit to the theatre well in advance (several weeks or months) as tickets sell out  (fully booked) quickly. Good shows (the theatre performance) are advertised many  months in advance and you have to be quick off the mark (react quickly) to get your tickets. Online  booking makes it a lot easier now so you avoid lengthy periods of time in a queue. However, if you  apply for  (to reserve) the tickets through a booking agent you get hit with (have to pay) an  agents fee in addition to the ticket fee. English Expressions connected with Theatre Ticket prices will vary depending on where you wish to sit in the theatre. You can sit in the stalls  (usually ground level) or in the circle (upper level) or if you do not mind the price you can also  reserve a box for you (private rooms to the left and right of the stage) and your guests. Opening  night (first performance) usually costs more but people like the thrill of the first night performance.  Often some well known celebrities may attend the opening night so you get to rub shoulders with  (be next to) them!The atmosphere is great and there is a real buzz (excitement) until the curtain rises and the actors  appear on the stage. There is usually an interval in most performances and it is nice to be able to sip (to drink slowly) a cocktail during the interval and discuss the first part of the play. When the play ends  the cast (actors and actresses) appear on the stage together and take a bow (acknowledge the  audiences appreciation). There are often cries of encore (again, aga in) and much clapping and  cheering. The leading actor/actress will usually get the most applause or even a standing ovation  (everyone in the audience is on their feet clapping and cheering). So a little different than a night at  the cinema but without the popcorn! English Vocabulary about Theatre Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next:Share on vk VK Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Facebook English Idioms connected with Theatre Here are a few English idioms connected to the theatre: TO WAIT IN THE WINGSThe wings are situated on the left and right of the stage. Here the actors wait  to take their part. They enter and exit using these wings. However, we can use this expression to  indicate when somebody is going to get their opportunity to perform.ex. Philip had been  working for his father for many years but did not make any important decisions. He did however  know the business very well. When his father became seriously ill he had to take over. There was no  problem as he had been waiting in the wings for many years waiting for the opportunity to show  what he could do.A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOWWhen someone is very good at their job but is about to retire or move  elsewhere we refer to them as a tough act (a good performer) and they will be a tough act to  follow for whoever takes their place.ex. The manager of the football team had been in  charge for 10 years. They had won everything. The won the cup several times and the league on  more than one occasion. He deci ded to retire. He was a tough act to follow for which ever manager  was appointed in his place. THE SHOW MUST GO ONNo matter what happens in show business they always perform. If someone  is sick they have an understudy (a replacement ready). If the theatre goes on fire (burns down) they  move to a new location. This is what we mean by the show must go on.ex. The leading  actress had played this role for 5 years in the West end of London. She was everyone’s favourite.  However,   one weekend she was very ill and could not perform. Her understudy who knew all the  lines had to step in (replace her). No matter what the show must go on.TO BE OUT OF STEPA step is part of a dance routine. To be out of step means that you are not in time  with the music or that you are not keeping up with the other dancers. We can say somebody is out  of step when they do something different than everyone else.ex. Michael was a bit of a  rebel at school. He was always out of step with the other students. When they wore the uniform he  refused. When they wanted to play rugby he wanted to play footba ll. This continued into his adult  life. He was always out of step with everyone. He liked to be different.