Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Expressions Connected with Theatre - Learn English with Harry ????

English Expressions Connected with Theatre - Learn English with Harry ???? A trip (visit) to the theatre or cinema is always a welcome event. A visit to the theatre is a less  common than a trip to the cinema for most of us. Here are some English words and expressions  connected with a night at the theatre.We usually plan a visit to the theatre well in advance (several weeks or months) as tickets sell out  (fully booked) quickly. Good shows (the theatre performance) are advertised many  months in advance and you have to be quick off the mark (react quickly) to get your tickets. Online  booking makes it a lot easier now so you avoid lengthy periods of time in a queue. However, if you  apply for  (to reserve) the tickets through a booking agent you get hit with (have to pay) an  agents fee in addition to the ticket fee. English Expressions connected with Theatre Ticket prices will vary depending on where you wish to sit in the theatre. You can sit in the stalls  (usually ground level) or in the circle (upper level) or if you do not mind the price you can also  reserve a box for you (private rooms to the left and right of the stage) and your guests. Opening  night (first performance) usually costs more but people like the thrill of the first night performance.  Often some well known celebrities may attend the opening night so you get to rub shoulders with  (be next to) them!The atmosphere is great and there is a real buzz (excitement) until the curtain rises and the actors  appear on the stage. There is usually an interval in most performances and it is nice to be able to sip (to drink slowly) a cocktail during the interval and discuss the first part of the play. When the play ends  the cast (actors and actresses) appear on the stage together and take a bow (acknowledge the  audiences appreciation). There are often cries of encore (again, aga in) and much clapping and  cheering. The leading actor/actress will usually get the most applause or even a standing ovation  (everyone in the audience is on their feet clapping and cheering). So a little different than a night at  the cinema but without the popcorn! English Vocabulary about Theatre Enjoyed this infographic? HereĆ¢€™s what you can do next:Share on vk VK Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Facebook English Idioms connected with Theatre Here are a few English idioms connected to the theatre: TO WAIT IN THE WINGSThe wings are situated on the left and right of the stage. Here the actors wait  to take their part. They enter and exit using these wings. However, we can use this expression to  indicate when somebody is going to get their opportunity to perform.ex. Philip had been  working for his father for many years but did not make any important decisions. He did however  know the business very well. When his father became seriously ill he had to take over. There was no  problem as he had been waiting in the wings for many years waiting for the opportunity to show  what he could do.A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOWWhen someone is very good at their job but is about to retire or move  elsewhere we refer to them as a tough act (a good performer) and they will be a tough act to  follow for whoever takes their place.ex. The manager of the football team had been in  charge for 10 years. They had won everything. The won the cup several times and the league on  more than one occasion. He deci ded to retire. He was a tough act to follow for which ever manager  was appointed in his place. THE SHOW MUST GO ONNo matter what happens in show business they always perform. If someone  is sick they have an understudy (a replacement ready). If the theatre goes on fire (burns down) they  move to a new location. This is what we mean by the show must go on.ex. The leading  actress had played this role for 5 years in the West end of London. She was everyoneĆ¢€™s favourite.  However,   one weekend she was very ill and could not perform. Her understudy who knew all the  lines had to step in (replace her). No matter what the show must go on.TO BE OUT OF STEPA step is part of a dance routine. To be out of step means that you are not in time  with the music or that you are not keeping up with the other dancers. We can say somebody is out  of step when they do something different than everyone else.ex. Michael was a bit of a  rebel at school. He was always out of step with the other students. When they wore the uniform he  refused. When they wanted to play rugby he wanted to play footba ll. This continued into his adult  life. He was always out of step with everyone. He liked to be different.

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